Workshop Consulting

Althea Sumpter gives talks in a wide variety of settings on the Gullah Geechee culture, the most intact West African group in the United States. She shares stories of growing up Gullah Geechee on St. Helena Island, South Carolina, and describes the way she utilizes digital technology to document her culture.

Documenting the elders of her community and other cultural locations has become her life's calling, following years as an Emmy-nominated media producer and university professor. She is available for public appearances to present her stories about growing up Gullah Geechee.
Topic Areas:
      . Finding Your Way Home: How to Research a Place of Origin in the Southern United States    
      . Gullah Geechee Culture    
      . Ethnography and Digital Research

Speaking Engagements

           Each person in the United States represents an ethnic or cultural
          community. Learn about your personal heritage and its contributions
          to the creation of the American Experiment. Understand the
          context of your family's history in the story of the Southern United
          States. Know yourself by appreciating the story of your origin.
          Learn how to research and document your cultural past along with
          the techniques necessary to preserve stories and found materials
          for future generations. Become the first step in the continuity of
          heritage and the creation of a cultural legacy.
           .  Capture and memorialize unguarded stories from a fading generation of elders
           .  Integrate traditional oral history techniques with documentation technology
           .  Document stories of family origin from small towns and hamlets
           .  Learn ways to preserve oral histories and found materials for future generations               
          .    Cultural preservation links anthropology and history to the political context of a people and to a region.
          Modern digital technology is used to capture stories from the elders using minimally intrusive devices,
                enabling the development of digital materials to memorialize their stories.
          Understanding your personal cultural heritage and its contributions to a larger society is a beginning
               point for learning about yourself. Future generations can appreciate the continuity of heritage and the spirit                of a cultural legacy.